Acquires Wiki Company FAQ Farm For $2 Million

By Amit Chowdhry • Nov 8, 2006

Answers Corporation, the producer of Blufr, one of my favorite websites, has acquired FAQ Farm today for $2 million. FAQ Farm is a leading wiki website that contains user-contributed questions and answers.

On the homepage, FAQ Farm boasts “118,585 FAQ Farmers are now growing 282,713 questions in 1,356 FAQs for millions of visitors.” FAQ Farm receives over 12 million page views per month.

“The acquisition of FAQ Farm is the next logical step forward in our mission of becoming the leading online answer-engine, whether answers come from our existing library of licensed, branded, attributable reference titles, from the web, or now from a community of experts or interested participants,” stated Bob Rosenschein, the CEO of “We aim to satisfy our growing dedicated user base by expanding beyond our strength in traditional reference material to embrace the community aspect of learning.”

FAQ Farm was founded in 2002 by Chris Witten. will have Chris continue to maintain FAQ Farm and have FAQ Farm integrate the website’s content into while adding content to FAQ Farm.

“FAQ Farm will complement our encyclo diction almanac apedia of nearly four million topics by allowing users to ask questions or look up related answers on a specific Answers topic,” Rosenschein, “An interactive relationship can tap into the wisdom of many people and enable them to become part of something bigger.”

[Source: PaidContent]