Facebook Adds A Thanking Feature For Holiday Season

By Amit Chowdhry • Nov 12, 2006

In order to promote the spirit of Thanksgiving, Facebook has added a feature in which you type the name of your friend and then send them a thank you note on why you are thankful for them as I have displayed below:

This was announced on the Facebook blog by Randi Zuckerberg. The way it works is that when you visit the Holiday Center page on Facebook, you are asked to join the group. After you join the group, you can start sending out thank you notes.

After this is sent out, you will notice that this thank you note would be added to the “Thanks Given By Me” section of the Holiday Center. The thank you note sent to you will be under “Thanks About Me.” Sponsored thanks include BustedTees.com, AllPosters.com, DrJays.com, and a couple of others.

The more thank you notes you send and receive, the more the number of thank you notes are displayed on the Holiday Center group page. Only thank you notes that revolve around your Facebook friends are displayed. While this Facebook feature isn’t the most useful, it is definitely one that I give credit to for keeping up with the Thanksgiving holiday spirit.