Google Wants To Acquire ‘Crazy Ideas’

By Amit Chowdhry • Apr 13, 2007

Google’s Director of Corporate Development, Salman Ullah is about one out of fifteen members of the Google team that works on acquisition potentials.

“We look at everything very carefully,” he said. “The really crazy ones do really well.”

The team looks at dozens of companies per week.

“The crazy ones mean they ignore the usual restraints of investment levels required or design parameters or ‘Gee I need more servers than anyone ever thought was possible,”’ stated Ullah. “When you free yourselves from these constraints, you create crazy, cool things.”

There also has to be a strong monetization plan for each company that pitches their strategy.

Google responds to every e-mail acquisition proposal.

Google has $11 billion cash on hand by the end of the last quarter, so there is plenty of room for more acquisitions. Keep brainstorming.