‘Don’t Tase Me Bro’ Police Officers Reinstated At U of F

By Amit Chowdhry • Oct 25, 2007

Andrew W. Meyer, an undergraduate Journalism student at the University of Florida asked some very hard questions to the former presidential candidate, John Kerry during one of his speeches at the University.

Some of them included why John Kerry did not insist on having President Bush impeached. Meyer also asked what it meant that John Kerry and George Bush were both Bonesmen, members of the secret organization, Skull and Bones. The microphone was then cut off from Meyer and then the police officers moved in. Meyer resisted arrest and was eventually dragged near the exit and was “tased” with a stun gun while Meyer screamed, “don’t tase me, bro!”

The video of the entire incident became extremely viral on the Internet within a matter of a couple days. “The Meyer arrest video has received 2.6 million views and almost 40,000 new comments since Monday [within 2 days],” said Wired.

People have even created mash-ups for the video. The most creative I have seen so far is a mash-up of the incident with M.C. Hammer’s Can’t Touch This:

This parody got over 600,000 views in about a month.

What makes a video like the one above so viral? When watching the above video, you can easily find yourself laughing, but at the same time think, “Oh my God, that really happened, I cannot believe the police actually tased him. That seems wrong.”

“While Meyer was incarcerated, state investigators say the jail recorded two phone calls in which Meyer ‘appears to sound elated that the arrest has occurred and at one point states that he is happy this has happened.’ They spent a lot of time talking about all the ‘media exposure the incident has generated,’ the investigators say.”

And the police that were involved in the incident were all reinstated. Meyer even told the police officers that what they were doing wasn’t wrong when being driven to jail.