AmeriFlex Group: Record-Breaking Year With 53 Advisor Transitions And Over $3.4 Billion In Total Client Assets Added

By Amit Chowdhry • Jan 12, 2025

Advisor-owned hybrid RIA The AmeriFlex Group celebrated the completion of a record-breaking year in which it welcomed 53 advisors and increased its total client assets by over $3.4 billion. And the AmeriFlex Group ended the year with 206 total advisors in 29 states, with about $14.6 billion in assets under administration (AUA), an increase of 35% year over year.

The AmeriFlex Group has long developed forward-thinking approaches and programs to address issues facing advisors with:

1.) The firm’s SuccessionFlex program enables advisors to authorize a succession and continuity agreement with an option to sell 30% to 40% of their current revenue stream to The AmeriFlex Group with no minority ownership discount.

2.) The AmeriFlex Premier+ platform – a proprietary, high-tech financial planning solution that equips advisors to deliver an elevated service experience and helps clients envision the outcome of their planning goals, leading to more informed financial decisions is open to affiliated advisors. And the AmeriFlex Group partner advisors can collaborate with the AmeriFlex Premier+ team to create more share of wallet.

3.) The AmeriFlex Group acquired The W Source in the spring, bringing in-house this unique professional platform facilitating women-to-women networking opportunities across industries on a local and national level. And the strategic acquisition positions the firm to reach its ambitious goal of parity between men and women partners.

Last year, the AmeriFlex Group launched the Advisor Transition Network (ATN), a national platform designed to connect qualified buyers and sellers of financial advisory practices. And the network provides a confidential marketplace where financial advisors can transition their businesses. ATN has established a growing network of prepared buyers representing over 200 qualified advisors.


 “We have seen a significant increase in demand for stability during transition periods. From growing their practice to transitioning out of the business, our innovative programs provide advisors with the solutions they need to reach their goals, regardless of the stage of their career.”

“By launching the Advisor Transition Network, we have delivered something so many advisors need – a straightforward way to sell their business to a qualified buyer. With more than 200 individuals and offices nationwide, supported by the experienced succession specialists at The AmeriFlex Group, advisors preparing to depart the industry may not have ever had a better option to transition toward retirement so seamlessly.”

– The AmeriFlex Group Founder and CEO, Thomas Goodson

“Over the past several years, we have delivered customized succession plans that maximize the value of an advisor’s life work.”

– Jesse Kurrasch, The AmeriFlex Group COO