Another Google Revenue Model: Run Business Search Engines

By Amit Chowdhry ● Jul 17, 2007

When Google isn’t acquiring companies, the company seems to be coming up with new ways to make money. The newest way Google wants to make money aside from AdSense was inevitable.

Businesses can set up search engines of their own internal content for roughly $100 per year where Google indexes 5,000 internal pages. And $500/year for up to 50,000 internal pages.

There is a free version as well, but Google Ads would run along the side which redirected traffic to Google search results. And the paid version would not have any Google Ads.

Google also sells hardware that would essentially do the same thing, but it cost $1,995 and is known as the Google Mini. There is a video demo of the service specs at

As many have noticed, sometimes companies that were acquired by the big search players did not seem to make sense from a strategic stand-point. But this new offering reinforces Google’s core competency as being search.

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