CoSo Cloud: This Company Secures Managed Services For Enterprise Organizations In Over A $25 Billion Market

By Amit Chowdhry ● Aug 4, 2023

CoSo Cloud is a managed services provider for enterprises and large government agencies with distributed workforces requiring the highest security and reliability levels in virtual training, web meetings, and eLearning engagements. Pulse 2.0 interviewed CoSo Cloud’s head of market and business development for CoSo’s eLearning solutions Rob Porter to learn more.

Rob Porter’s Background

Rob Porter

Rob Porter is Head of Market & Business Development for CoSo’s eLearning solutions. And he is responsible for developing and executing corporate communications, market programs, market visibility, and positioning strategy to expand CoSo’s market share in eLearning. 

Rob has a successful 28-year track record in instructional design and eLearning programs, along with authoring and presenting on a variety of corporate topics and learning techniques. During Porter’s career, he has built hundreds of hours of eLearning content, workshop curriculum, webinars, presentations, and multiple custom learning platforms for his customers. 

Porter has supported hundreds of enterprises by designing and deploying custom learning solutions that deliver content to millions of learners. And he has developed state-of-the-art learning programs for organizations like BMW, Nike, Nikon, Johns Hopkins, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Dassault, and Domino’s Pizza. Before joining CoSo Cloud, Porter founded and was a principal at Training Objectives Corp.

Formation Of CoSo Cloud

How did the idea for CoSo Cloud come together? Porter said:

“CoSo originated at Connect Solutions and focused on privately managed services for Adobe Connect virtual classroom and high-consequence meetings.  Over the past 11 years, CoSo has expanded our services by supporting Adobe Learning Solutions with the addition of supporting Adobe Learning Manager and Class Technologies.  These services include enterprise organizations and government agencies.  And government agencies have the option to meet their security needs by utilizing learning solutions in FedRAMP IL2 or IL4.”

Favorite Memory

What has been your favorite memory working for CoSo Cloud so far? Porter shared:

“There are many, including the successful launch of Microsoft’s, Dominos, and NVIDIA projects. In addition, I have enjoyed speaking about learning and development strategies and integration of learning technologies within large organizations.”

Challenges Faced

What are some of the challenges Porter faced in building the company? Porter acknowledged:

“The biggest challenge in both EdTech and high-consequence managed services is helping organizations realize they need it before there is a violation or breach event, rather than after.”

Core Products

What are CoSo Cloud’s core products and features? Porter explained:

— Delivering FedRAMP and StateRAMP authorized learning management solutions with Adobe Learning Manager and Adobe Connect.

— Delivering FedRAMP and StateRAMP authorized virtual learning solutions with Class Technologies and Adobe Connect. 

Evolution Of CoSo Cloud’s Technology

How has CoSo Cloud’s technology evolved since launching? Porter noted:

“CoSo Cloud was initially focused on secure managed services for enterprise organizations. Over time the company has expanded its security services to address stringent requirements of the federal government and SaaS solutions to enhance the user experience.”

Significant Milestones

What have been some of CoSo Cloud’s most significant milestones? Porter cited:

“CoSo has had the opportunity to create learning programs for some of the world’s more prestigious consumer and commercial technology leaders, including Microsoft, NVIDIA, and others.  These programs enable manufacturers to share insights and information with resellers enabling them to support consumers effectively.”

“CoSo has also seen huge success in the government EdTech space by achieving FedRAMP (DISA IL2) and StateRAMP authorization for learning management solutions such as Adobe Learning Manager and virtual classrooms with both Class Technologies and Adobe Connect.”

“Recently, CoSo received authorization to deliver FedRAMP (DISA IL4) for Adobe Connect Virtual Classroom to the US Marines.”

Customer Success Story

Upon asking Porter about a customer success story, he commented: “NVIDIA increased channel sales penetration affiliated with the CoSo developed NVIDIA Knowledge Learning Platform.”

Total Addressable Market

What total addressable market (TAM) size is CoSo Cloud pursuing? Porter assessed: The Learning Management TAM is approximately $40 billion, and Virtual Classroom TAM is approximately $25 billion.

Differentiation From The Competition

What differentiates CoSo Cloud from its competition? Porter revealed: 

“Unlike commodity training solutions, CoSo ensures high-impact, tailored, virtual training solutions are delivered while meeting the highest security and compliance regulations.”

Future Company Goals

What are some of CoSo Cloud’s future company goals? Porter concluded:

“We are excited about the development and implementation of specific technologies relating to accessibility and AI not currently available within the market.”

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