COVID-19 Stimulus Check Calculator 2020

By Shan Sadiq ● Updated March 27, 2020

The United States government is sending out one-time coronavirus relief checks to most Americans. Here’s a stimulus check calculator to help you estimate your check amount. We’ll continue to update this page and the calculator as more details come in.

Filing Status:
Filing Year:
Income (AGI):
Dependents (Age 16 or younger):

When and how will the money arrive?
The IRS will start sending out payments within three weeks. The stimulus checks will be issued via direct deposit for those who have filed their tax returns with direct deposit information. The wait time for paper checks via mail is much longer.

How much money is the stimulus check?
Up to $1,200 for each adult and up to $500 for each dependent child age 16 and under. The amount you’ll be paid depends on your income and filing status. Use the stimulus calculator above to see how much you qualify for.

Who qualifies for the stimulus check?
Nearly any adult with a social security number qualifies. Use the stimulus calculator above to see if you qualify.

Official U.S. Government Coronavirus Stimulus Resources

IRS Coronavirus Tax Relief
United States Congress Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Coronavirus Resources
Federal Housing Finance Agency Coronavirus Assistance