- Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE: DAL) announced that it is going to extend social distancing precautions on its flights through September 30
Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE: DAL) announced that it is going to extend social distancing precautions on its flights through September 30. For example, it is going to block the selection of middle seats and the number of seats available on a plane will be capped in every cabin.
As of last month, Delta had plans to keep its planes at no more than 60% full through July. And more flights would be added to its schedule as demand increased.
Delta Air Lines chief executive officer Ed Bastian noted that consumer perceptions of safety will be essential in bringing back routine travel. And consumers would likely be more willing to pay a premium for that level of comfort.
“Reducing the overall number of customers on every aircraft across the fleet is one of the most important steps we can take to ensure a safe experience for our customers and people,” said Delta’s chief customer experience officer Bill Lentsch via Reuters.
The seating in first class would be capped at 50%, 60% in other cabins, and 75% at the exclusive Delta One cabins.