Glystn: $4 Million Raised To Build AI-Powered Community And Engagement Engine For Creators

By Amit Chowdhry • Jun 21, 2023

A team of social media and online community veterans recently unveiled Glystn: the first AI-driven community engagement engine that helps creators scale through intelligent automation. The company also announced $4 million in funding from Eniac Ventures, Precursor Ventures, Hannah Grey VC, and Future Perfect Ventures.

Glystn was co-founded by Ethan Fassett and Mike Rowehl, who bring a proven track record of founding and growing successful ventures in social media, gaming, and adtech for companies such as Yahoo, AdMob (acquired by Google), Disney, and more. The product integrates with existing platforms and it uses AI to analyze the daily firehose of comments and messages, which gives creators a comprehensive and actionable view of their community. Plus it also applies intelligent automation around engagement and monetization activities, natively and across platforms, to help better align monetization messages with audiences, and ensure healthy, authentic interaction to increase community value as they scale. Glystn is going to be available via invite and offered as a paid subscription, but is currently onboarding select creators with large, active communities, to experience the product for a limited free trial.

In recognizing the central role of communities in creator growth and success, Glystn addresses the challenges of multi-platform presence and audience ownership by providing tools and automation for streamlining cross-platform community management. This enables creators to cultivate healthy, high-value audiences of millions and eventually billions of people. Glystn gives creators more agency and ownership of their communities from any one platform.

The key features include:

1.) Cross-platform, AI-powered insights and feedback – Integrates across platforms and listens to community activity to distill the firehose of comments and gain insight into trends, allowing creators to keep up with the most talked about topics, no matter how big.

2.) Targeted, native messaging – Reply natively to individuals and specific segments or groups across social platforms –spread the love, stop misinformation or toxicity, and engage for feedback – all from one interface. Deep topic and other audience segmentation unlocks greater, more relevant sponsor and monetization targeting, without spamming

3.) AI-curated engagement – Assists with replies to conversations in YouTube comments, automates Discord invites, AMAs, polls, etc., and matched with relevant groups and threads happening across their community to help foster ongoing, meaningful connections with more people. AI models analyze the history of interactions with the community and can suggest responses in the voice of the creator, enabling more authentic outreach at scale.

Glystn has been helping uncover insights and scale engagement for the 20+ million combined audience of its Beta partners, including Louis Wiesz, AJ Rafael, etc.

Glystn is going to be available by invite but is currently accepting select creators with large, active communities who publish frequently to explore Glystn in a limited free trial.


“We understand the challenges faced by creators who have worked hard to build large communities without the human resource or technical infrastructure wealth of established brands. As the number of platforms have expanded and audiences have scaled, it’s become impossible to manage and cultivate this value – toxicity and culture-drift are endemic, and sponsor dollars are left on the table. We’re creating AI tools designed in service of creators that provide them unprecedented insights into their community and help align resonant messaging with sponsors and fans.”

— Co-founder and CEO Ethan Fassett

“Glystn has freed up my time and given me invaluable insights beyond what traditional platform analytics offer. I’ve been able to forge stronger connections with my community and explore more brand relationships because of the new data I see and glytsn’s ability to target messages. It’s completely up-leveled my community and channel.”

— YouTube creator Louis Weisz