How To Watch The Pokemon Direct Livestream

By Dan Anderson ● Feb 27, 2019

Today the Pokémon Company and Nintendo are going to make a big announcement at 6 AM PT / 9 PM ET as part of a 7-minute live-streamed presentation. The presentation is expected to start right on time so make sure to be prepared. Most likely, the presentation will feature details about the region, titles, and release date for the first mainline Pokémon Switch games.

Photo: Pokemon Direct event promotion / Credit: The Pokémon Company

Specifically, this means the presentation is expected to reveal more about the eighth generation “Pokémon” game arriving later this year. Originally, Nintendo revealed it was launching a mainline “Pokémon” title exclusively for Nintendo Switch during E3 2017. However, not much information was provided since then. But the Gen 8 version of a Pokémon game is expected to arrive this holiday season.

In November 2018, Nintendo released spin-off titles Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! — which are enhanced remakes of Pokémon Red and Blue (1996) and Pokémon Yellow (1998). The spin-off titles feature a user-friendly Pokémon capturing system based on the popular “Pokémon Go” game. It is unknown whether the Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! changes will be brought to the Switch.

You will be able to watch the Pokémon Direct on the official Nintendo Direct website. Or you can watch it on the official Nintendo YouTube channel. And Nintendo Switch users can watch it on Pokémon Direct on their console. Another way to watch it is through Twitch (embedded below):

Watch live video from Nintendo on

February 27 is also known as Pokemon Day. This year is the 23rd anniversary of the Pokemon series. “We love Pokémon and we know you do, too! We would never pass up a chance to celebrate Pokémon. Pokémon Day happens every year on February 27. Do you know why this day is so special? It commemorates the launch of the first Pokémon video games in 1996. In celebration of #PokemonDay, we invited some familiar Pokémon originally discovered in the Kanto region to join us!” wrote The Pokémon GO team in a post.

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