iLike And Qloud Find A Home On Hi5 Via OpenSocial

By Amit Chowdhry ● Dec 23, 2007

hi5 Networks, Qloud, and iLike have collaborated using Google’s OpenSocial software to deliver two new music applications. The two new applications will leverage hi5’s 70 million user count to provide the service that is similar to Facebook’s iLike music application. These two applications are the first to use OpenSocial to go live on hi5.

“We are very pleased to increase the depth of our music offering for our members around the world, making it easier for them to find, listen to and post more of the music they like on their hi5 profiles,” said Ramu Yalamanchi, CEO and Co-Founder of hi5 Networks. “These collaborations with iLike and Qloud really demonstrate how well the OpenSocial initiative can make it simpler for developers to build useful, fun and engaging applications for hi5 users.”

The iLike application will give hi5 users the ability to embed songs and videos within their profiles. And the Qloud My Music application will allow users to legally play songs and videos directly from their iTunes libraries within their profiles.

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