Listigator: Not Your Typical Online To-Do List

By Amit Chowdhry ● Nov 5, 2006

I signed up with an account for Listigator to gain a better understanding of the services. One of the major selling points of Listigator that had intrigued me that the website was not the emphasizing on being just another to-do list website online, but Listigator highlights that it is more of a shared to-do list application.

There are several options for sharing your to-do list. The first option is Full Sharing, an option where you can grant other Listigator users to update and edit lists. This is done so by allowing Listigator to generate a unique URL to provide the other users whom you want to grant these permissions. Read-Only sharing allows users to read the list, but not have edit rights. RSS Feeds allows Listigator users to point the RSS feed of the shared list into their favorite RSS readers. List to email allows users to receive e-mails of these to-do lists.

After you create a list, you can sort them into different categories. Aside from categorizing to-do lists, you can also add tags for each list. For example, you can create a University category and connect this category to a separate to-do list for your individual classes. Here’s a quick screenshot of a to-do list I created called “Chores”:

Notice the radio buttons where you can choose the sharing options. When you add a checkmark to certain items on the to-do list such as Take Annual Shower or Make Dinner, then another couple options will appear where it says Edit Category Name or Delete.

Listigator is at the forefront of timetable technology and is bound to cause a stir. I would definitely recommend this web application for all your to-do list needs.

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