Ludica Health: Developing Solutions To Make A Difference In The Lives Of Seniors

By Amit Chowdhry ● Jan 8, 2024

Ludica Health is a fast-growing startup that is redefining the field of physical rehabilitation and senior wellness through motion capture technology. The company develops cutting-edge solutions to make a difference in the lives of seniors. And the company’s products deliver video games that allow individuals with a variety of health concerns to engage in fun, gamified exercises in rehab hospitals and from the comfort of their own homes. Pulse 2.0 interviewed Ludica Health co-founder and CEO Mark Evin to learn more about the company.

Mark Evin’s Background

Mark Evin

Evin’s background is in multimedia programming, and he used to create interactive installations for museums and science centers. Evin said:

“No matter my position, my mission has always been to engage and inspire people using interactive technology.”

Formation Of Ludica Health

How did the idea for Ludica Health come together? Evin shared:

“The idea for Ludica Health came when I had a chance to witness the process of physical therapy and rehabilitation. Getting back on your feet after an event like a stroke, operation, or bad fall requires incredible tenacity. We realized that if you’re able to give a person something enjoyable, inspiring, and engaging while they’re undergoing this process, you can generate a tremendous amount of new energy. People show up to do their exercises more often and are more willing to take on bigger challenges, resulting in better outcomes across the board. There’s a lot of clinical evidence backing up this phenomenon.”

Favorite Memory

What has been your favorite memory working for the company so far? Evin reflected:

“I’ve really enjoyed working directly with the people who are benefiting from the technologies we’ve designed. As we’ve been developing LudoFit, our new strength and balance software for healthy aging, we’ve been working directly with a group of older adults who have taken a very active role in providing feedback and helping this software reach its full potential. We call this group our “Army of Elders,” and they have been an integral part of refining LudoFit.”

Core Products

What are the company’s core products and features? Evin explained:

“Our flagship product, Jintronix, is a motion-sensing video-game-based physical system that is used in over 300 rehabilitation facilities across the US. Our newest product, LudoFit, is a downloadable application for laptops and iPads that offers enjoyable and convenient video game workouts for healthy aging. LudoFit senses the user’s movements using the device’s web camera, so no extra equipment is required. Each video game workout takes you to a different location around the world, from skiing in the Italian Alps to rock climbing in Thailand.” 

Challenges Faced 

Have you faced any specific bottlenecks in your sector of work recently? Evin acknowledged: 

“I think the biggest bottleneck is perception. When people think of video games, they tend to think of teenage boys. In fact, play is a universal human instinct, and when you bring play into the realm of health and wellness, it transforms your experience. All of a sudden, exercise doesn’t feel like a chore, and when it doesn’t feel like a chore, you do it more often and actually see results. As many of our users say emphatically, you just need to try it!”

Evolution Of Ludica Health’s Technology

How has Ludica Health’s technology evolved since launching? Evin noted:

“Our philosophy is all about doing more with less. That’s why our latest product requires no extra equipment whatsoever. If you have a laptop or an iPad, you’ve got everything you need to use LudoFit. We want to make it super easy, convenient, and affordable to have an immersive interactive experience.”

Significant Milestones

What have been some of the company’s most significant milestones? Evin explained:

“Expanding our flagship product across 300 rehabilitation facilities has been immensely rewarding. More recently, as we developed our new product, LudoFit, we reached a stage where we started getting consistently awesome feedback from our users, and we knew we struck gold. Now, we’re excited to bring LudoFit to the broader market.”

Customer Success Stories

After asking Evin about customer success stories, he cited:

“Of course! Please go to this YouTube link, where you can watch and read the transcripts of a number of people who love LudoFit. Here are a few quotes I picked out from there:

Kim Cozart: ‘My range of motion and my stamina, particularly in my hips, has improved. I love to walk, but I haven’t walked because my hips get tired very quickly. And a couple of the programs on LudoFit really have helped with that.’

Craig Curtis, 78: ‘It’s unique because it requires you to physically move and concentrate simultaneously. It makes me feel sharp.’

Gary Knight: ‘I live in North Carolina in the United States, and I’m an avid non-exerciser…LudoFit provided me with an opportunity to do things where I’m challenging myself, and I don’t have to challenge myself that much to show some movement in balance and fitness. And then that has become self-rewarding…I can tell anyone who asks that it’s improved my flexibility. It’s improved my balance. It’s improved my strength. Without me having to pick up any barbells, any expansion bands, and wear spandex. All of that’s been eliminated.’

Carol Anderson, 76: ‘I have to make myself do my PT exercises, but I had no problems with wanting to go back to LudoFit. It’s fun…Being outdoors, you know, Tour de France, skiing in the Alps, climbing rocks in Thailand, and exploring New Zealand. All were very appealing…When you live by yourself, being able to interact with something you enjoy becomes a very valuable experience. When I’ve completed a series of exercises, I feel energized, pleased that I could do it and look forward to the next time.'”

Total Addressable Market

What total addressable market (TAM) size is the company pursuing? Evin assessed:

“LudoFit is designed for older adults who hate exercising, love to have fun, and care about maintaining their health. That’s a lot of people!”

Differentiation From The Competition

What differentiates the company from its competition? Evin affirmed:

“LudoFit is the only product that combines video games, motion-sensing on a regular laptop or iPad, and evidence-based exercises for strength and balance.”

Future Company Goals

What are some of the company’s future company goals? Evin concluded:

“We plan to add new video-game workouts to both Jintronix and LudoFit. We’re also adding social features so that people can form teams, motivate one another, and be part of each others’ wellness journeys.”

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