Mike Fata On Leaders Being Authentic To Themselves

By Amit Chowdhry • Jun 14, 2023

Mike Fata is an entrepreneur with multiple 9-figure exits and he now coaches, mentors, and advises entrepreneurs. Fata is known as a “digital nomad” CEO as he works remotely in different locations. Currently based out of Canada, Fata also worked out of Mexico, Jamaica, and Thailand to fully immerse himself and his family in different cultures.

Fata is a single dad of two who homeschools his kids from those exotic locations. Currently, Fata is the CEO of Fata & Associates and he recently saw his third 9-figure exit through the acquisition of Sol Cuisine by Plant Plus Foods for $125 million in cash. Plus Fata also authored Grow: 12 Unconventional Lessons for Becoming an Unstoppable Entrepreneur.

To learn more about Fata’s background, Pulse 2.0 conducted an interview with him.

Mike Fata’s Background 

Mike Fata

“I co-founded Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods in 1998. From 1998 to 2016, I ran all aspects of the company as Chairman of the Board and CEO. In February 2019 I helped guide the strategic sale of Manitoba Harvest to Tilray for $419 million dollars,” said Fata. “I had dedicated over 25 years to studying and practicing natural health, starting in 1995 when I decided to lose over 100 lbs and go from 300 lbs to my current 180 lbs. I have gained an excellent knowledge of human anatomy, diet, nutrition, and natural health lifestyle. I am an author, a keynote speaker, investor, advisor, and mentor, and I have been featured on various media countless times regarding natural health, nutrition, hemp foods, organic agriculture, sustainable business, entrepreneurship, and mentorship.”

Idea For The Book

How did the idea for your book come together? “I’ve had the idea for writing this book for over a decade. Since helping mentor thousands of entrepreneurs, I have realized that entrepreneurs need more positive examples and that unconventional paths lead to success. You don’t need rich parents or an ivy league school graduation to be a successful entrepreneur. You can do it by following your passion, building community, becoming world-class, and creating your ‘Best Day Ever,’” Fata reflected.

Favorite Memory Preparing The Book

What have been Fata’s favorite memories in preparing the book? “When I wrote the sample chapter, I provided it to my brother to read. A few days later I asked him what he thought and he told me that he cried when reading it. I have since heard from readers that the book touched them in a way that many were inspired and motivated to tears. I will remember that forever,” Fata revealed.

Challenged Faced

What are some of the challenges Fata faced in writing the book? “Writing a book is a very large project which took well over a year to complete. From writing to editing, naming, and cover design to final publication, there were many times that were threatened with stalls and delays. I relied on my project management experience to make sure that all aspects of the book were well managed, and resourced with a great support team,  which led us to successfully complete it on time,” Fata acknowledged.

Customer Success Stories From Previous Experiences

Can you share any specific customer success stories from your previous experiences? “At Manitoba Harvest, we built a global customer base with over 16,000 retail partners including Walmart, Costco, Target, Loblaws, and Whole Foods. Our success was created by becoming the global leader in quality and food safety, manufacturing the highest quality hemp food products certified to British Retail Consortium (BRC) AA+ certification. We invested heavily in data and insights, and were a category captain in hemp food products, providing our retail partners merchandising, assortment, and category promotion information,” Fata replied.

Takeaways From The Book

What are some lessons that Fata wants readers to take away from your book? “I want readers to forget the conventional business model and realize that they can build a sustainable, health-giving business that is also financially viable,” Fata emphasized. “They can accomplish that by being their authentic self, following their personal passion, building community, celebrating everyone, and giving back every chance they get.”

Future Personal Goals

What are some of your future personal goals? “I want to make this world a healthier place by helping over a million entrepreneurs grow personally and professionally. I will do this by creating more ways to offer my mass mentorship including more newsletters, podcast episodes, and the expansion of fatafleishman.org. I am also looking to produce a Shark Tank/Dragons Den style show based on mentorship and giving,” Fata concluded. “The most important part of the above plan is that I will continue to home-school my children while spending the majority of my time traveling and working from anywhere.”

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