Netvibes’ RSS Boxes Now Stretches Horizontally

By Amit Chowdhry ● Feb 28, 2007

For those who aren’t familiar with Netvibes, the website allows users to import RSS feeds from all types of other web applications and publications, including Wall Street Journal, Flickr, YouTube, NY Times, etc. Netvibes is customizable and is one of my homepages. Tabs can also be utilized for all of the feeds that you want to subscribe to.

Earlier this morning, Netvibes had a slight outage of servers because of its upgrade. After the upgrade was complete, there was a great new feature added to Netvibes as part of its Coriander initiative: Resizable columns for the RSS feed boxes.

“Until now, you could adjust the layout with 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns to take advantage of all your screen space. Today, we are pushing the layout possibilities a bit further by allowing the columns to have a custom width. Have a module with your favorite comics? Simply make your column wider so you can read it comfortably,” wrote Tariq Krim, founder of Netvibes on his blog.

I’m really looking forward to some of the upcoming features Netvibes is looking to add to its user interface such as the ability to choose a background image and the stock quotes module.

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