Piper Jaffray: Teens Find Instagram More Popular Than Snapchat And Amazon Is Favorite Website

By Dan Anderson ● Oct 23, 2018

Investment bank and asset management company Piper Jaffray recently published the results of a fall 2018 study about the popularity of social media apps. In the study, Piper Jaffray found that 85% of teens who use Instagram at least one per month compared to Snapchat at 84%. And Piper Jaffray learned that marketers are gaining more of an interest in Instagram as a whole.

Instagram’s engagement growth with teens is coming at Facebook’s expense. Piper Jaffray pointed out that 28% of 15-year-olds have been using Facebook as of Fall 2018, which is down from 40% two years ago.

As a result, the appeal for marketers to run campaigns on Instagram has been growing. “Instagram continues to show dominance in selling, as teens overwhelmingly prefer brands contact them on Instagram vs other channels,” said Piper Jaffray analysts in a report via CNBC.

Teenagers also indicated that they prefer brands to contact them about new products through Instagram. Instagram hit 70% in this measurement compared to 40% for both Snapchat and email.

In the same survey, Amazon was ranked as the favorite website for teens at 47% followed by Nike at 5%. In terms of streaming, Netflix was ranked number one. Teenagers spend 38% of their time every day, which was well ahead of YouTube at 33%.

For the wristwatch market, Apple increased its market share with teens to 17%. And the Apple Watch ranked as the second most popular watch amongst teenagers.

This is the 36th time that Piper Jaffray conducted the survey as part of a bi-annual survey initiative. Of the 8,600 teenagers across the U.S. who were surveyed, they had an average age of 16.

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