Revolear: AI Digital Deal Platform Company Banks $6 Million In Funding

By Dan Anderson ● Aug 1, 2023

Revolear, an artificial intelligence (AI) powered digital deal platform that connects buyers and sellers in the cloud, recently launched, combining the capabilities to structure, propose, negotiate and approve a deal on a shared source of data. And the enterprise SaaS platform is the brainchild of former Salesforce, Vlocity, and Siebel execs with three decades of experience in negotiating business deals and developing configurable enterprise software.

The company also recently announced $6 million in seed financing comes from sales and CRM executives Craig Ramsey, Mark Armanante, Young Sohn, Matt Wallach, and James Ramsey, who collectively founded Veeva and Vlocity, which Salesforce acquired for $1.5 billion.

As corporations have prioritized more ambitious digital transformation initiatives, the number of approvers in the B2B decision-making process has grown. And buyers and sellers alike are challenged to align the stakeholders around a solution, often resulting in indecision and lost opportunities. Revolear empowers the deal team with new ways to optimize, communicate and collaborate, and ultimately bring more deals to closure.

Raja Singh, founder and CEO of Revolear, has designed CRM products for nearly 25 years, starting as the head of the financial services product line at CRM pioneer Siebel Systems and later as the senior vice president of products at Vlocity. And he left his role as a senior vice president and general manager at Salesforce to found Revolear, seeing new opportunities to leverage AI in B2B selling.

As more enterprises organize growth activities around ‘revenue operations’ rather than just sales, Revolear provides a single data source for all aspects of a commercial transaction, from discovery through negotiation and approval.

At the heart of Revolear is the proprietary DealCraft solution modeling technology, which enables the platform to easily adapt to a wide range of industries and commercial structures.

Revolear’s digital deal platform is now available via a limited pilot program.


“The pandemic kept sales reps out of their customer’s offices, and it turns out that eight of 10 B2B buyers actually prefer it that way. We’re in a new era of hybrid selling – with remote salespeople and digital channels augmenting the field team. Solutions are getting more complex, and more of the buyer’s decision process is happening online. Sales organizations have been relying on siloed applications and redlined documents to manage complex deals. Revolear moves the dealmaking process into the digital realm, where customers want to collaborate with their sales representatives.”

“Revolear provides us the opportunity to reimagine enterprise deal tools right as the next wave of technology, generative AI, comes to market. We’ve infused AI in every facet of the platform – from predicting optimized pricing with machine learning to synthesizing requirements and draft proposals with GPT to intelligently automating approval workflows.”

— Raja Singh, founder and CEO of Revolear

“What the Revolear team has built extends well beyond the salesperson. It will connect legal, finance, operations and all the other revenue functions on a single platform. Revolear provides a 360° view of a deal, and they all need that data.”

— Craig Ramsey, Revolear investor, chairman of Vlocity, and former Salesforce board member

“Salespeople and their customers need the flexibility to be creative in their negotiations, without the technology restricting them. DealCraft allows users to extend and customize deals, while still benefiting from AI-sourced predictions and automated workflows.”

— Adam Rutland, co-founder of Revolear and the architect behind Salesforce’s low-code OmniStudio platform

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