Ryan Niddel: Creating Over $970 Million In Enterprise Value For Companies

By Amit Chowdhry ● Nov 13, 2023

Ryan Niddel is a business growth specialist who has created over $970 million in enterprise value for companies. MIT45 is one of the latest companies that Niddel helped scale, and it is now valued at more than $250 million. As a CEO, board member, investor, and entrepreneur, Niddel is driven to transform the companies he works with. Niddel helped generate revenues in the high eight figures (9 by the end of this year), while his cumulative revenue is over $273 million. Within the past 2.5 years alone, Niddel has tripled the income of more than five of the companies he’s worked with. Pulse 2.0 interviewed Niddel to learn more.

Pulse 2.0: Can you tell me more about your background?

Ryan Niddel: I started my entrepreneurial journey at the age of 10 by mowing lawns. By 14, I was working for and being mentored by a local businessman. Post-high school, I studied mechanical engineering as a field of study, and I’ve consistently been enrolled in classes, courses, and mentorship training for the past 15 years. I’m the CEO and managing partner of MIT45, a company that sells Kratom products. 

Pulse 2.0: You have helped many companies substantially increase revenue. Could you tell me more about that? 

Ryan Niddel: I have played a significant role in the acquisition or successful sale of 11 companies. My expertise lies in helping organizations develop effective strategies, improve their operational efficiency, achieve growth, and diversify their revenue streams. I have a track record of successfully tripling the revenue of more than 5 companies in less than 2.5 years, resulting in an additional $950 million in valuation for these businesses. One notable example is MIT45 Inc., which experienced remarkable growth, going from $1.5 million in revenue to over $70 million in revenue in just four years.

Pulse 2.0: What has been your favorite memory so far from the companies that you worked for in the past? 

Ryan Niddel: The most noteworthy success I’ve had so far is helping MIT45 grow with a 50%+ CAGR over the past four years.  This has led to altering the corporate structure and offering stock in the company to all employees.  The stock issuance has been the most impactful and enjoyable experience of my professional career so far.

Pulse 2.0: What have been some of your most significant milestones?

Ryan Niddel: Each exit has been significant in its own way.  Some fiscally, some emotionally, some experientially…but all impactful. The same could be said for the various acquisitions that have transpired. Seeing companies go from $1 to $100 million is always significant and enjoyable to be a part of, especially seeing others around me grow in their belief of themselves and their ability. 

Pulse 2.0: What are some of the future goals? 

Ryan Niddel: Right now, running and being a CEO of MIT45 as we begin to look towards a liquidity event, whether an IPO or private equity exit, it’s on the horizon for us. As we go further out, I look at this time in life as act one of a three-act play for me. This exit will be north of half a billion dollars, the next one after that will be north of a billion, and the next one after that will be north of five.

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