Shield AI: Aircraft AI Pilot Company Expands Series F Funding Round To $500 Million

By Amit Chowdhry • Jan 3, 2024

Shield AI – a defense technology company building the best AI pilot for aircraft – recently announced the expansion of their Series F funding round to $500 million. An additional $100 million in equity, raised at the Series F price, and $200 million in debt from Hercules Capital were added to the initial $200 million in equity closed in November.

Shield AI’s flagship product, Hivemind is an AI pilot that enables teams of intelligent aircraft to operate and complete missions autonomously in high-threat environments without the need for remote operators or GPS. And Hivemind is an aircraft-agnostic autonomy stack similar to the self-driving technology found in cars. Plus, it has flown quadcopters, the MQ-35A V-BAT, and the F-16. Next year it will fly Kratos’ XQ-58 Valkyrie. Shield AI accumulated more autonomous flight hours executing fighter jet maneuvers like dogfighting than any company in the world.

Recently, Shield AI introduced V-BAT Teams, a first-of-its-kind software product powered by Hivemind that enables teams of V-BATs to execute missions, autonomously reading and reacting to each other and the environment like a team of humans would normally pilot them.


“AI pilots are becoming a strategic conventional deterrent in class with our aircraft carriers and guided missile submarines. But interestingly, it’s the first strategic deterrent that is software-defined and has only recently become possible because of advances in AI and compute power. That’s a huge paradigm shift for aerospace and defense.”

— Ryan Tseng, Shield AI’s CEO and Cofounder

“The defense and investment communities are seeing the profound impact AI pilots will have on national security and global stability. AI pilots solve the electronic warfare (GPS- and communications-jamming) problem that’s devastating 10,000 drones per month in the Russia-Ukraine War, and they enable the operating concept of intelligent, affordable mass, where swarms of affordable aircraft can accomplish missions normally reserved for expensive, exquisite aircraft.”

— Brandon Tseng, Shield AI’s President, Cofounder, and former Navy SEAL