How Show Up Show Out Security Plans To Help Connect Cybersecurity Talent With Quality Jobs

By Amit Chowdhry ● Apr 18, 2023

Did you know that there are currently over 3.5 million cybersecurity positions available around the world and more than 500,000 of those jobs are in the US? Plus cybersecurity employment occupations are expected to grow 13% through 2026, which is faster than the average for all occupations according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is an opportunity that MMA fighter and cybersecurity expert Sedric Louissaint is addressing with the launch of Show Up Show Out Security (SUSOS) – which is launching on April 24.

Show Up Show Out Security’s cybersecurity fundamentals program could be completed in 90 days or less and the mentees who complete the program are able to see higher-paying six-figure jobs in the cybersecurity industry. The program features expert guidance, access to comprehensive masterclasses, and hands-on experience that will jumpstart careers and earning potential. To learn more about the Show Up Show Out Security, Pulse 2.0 interviewed Sedric Louissaint.

Sedric Louissaint’s Background

Sedric Louissaint’s family faced many challenges while growing up.

“I was raised by my single mom who took care of me and my three siblings. We are the grandchildren of immigrants from Haiti and Cuba. Times were tough, and we even lived in a car for a period. We moved to Florida from New York with my stepfather. My mom worked hard, taking on full-time jobs and going to school full-time, which has always been a great source of inspiration for me. I started wrestling in Florida during my early teens, and it eventually led me to pursue my dream of becoming an MMA fighter. However, when I became a father at 19, I had to put that dream on hold to ensure I could provide for my family, said Louissaint. “It was around that time when I became interested in cybersecurity after watching a TV show about hacking. I started studying cybersecurity while working and eventually began working in the field by performing security research. I gained real-world experience responsibly disclosing vulnerabilities to organizations and consulting, I decided to start my own firm but later realized running a one-person show was too complicated. I continued to work in the industry, eventually joining a prominent consulting firm, and finished earning my degree. Since then, my success in the field allowed me to build generational wealth and inspire others around me.”

Now with a stable career in cybersecurity and a way to provide for his family, Louissaint has been able to pursue his passion for MMA fighting without leaving his dream behind. Louissaint’s wrestling background has given him a solid foundation to excel in the sport.

Idea Behind Show Up Show Out Security

The idea for Show Up Show Out Security came together as a result of Louissaint’s own experiences in the cybersecurity field.

“First, was all my friends and family who kept asking me how they can get into cybersecurity. When I started learning and working in cybersecurity, I faced numerous challenges, including a lack of mentorship and guidance. I realized that there was a need for a more personalized and supportive approach to help people break into the industry and succeed,” Louissaint noted. “I wanted to create a platform that could provide hands-on technical training, soft skills coaching, and mentorship to aspiring cybersecurity professionals. So I did, with SUSOS, my goal is to bridge the gap between education and real-world experience, offering a comprehensive blueprint that helps people build the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful cybersecurity career. Additionally, I recognized the increasing demand for cybersecurity professionals and the talent shortage in the industry. Through SUSOS, I aim to address this gap by empowering and preparing the next generation of cybersecurity defenders, helping them land well-paying jobs in this fast-growing field.”

Challenges Faced Building Show Up Show Out Security

What were some of the challenges in building Show Up Show Out Security? Louissaint acknowledged that he has always been one to take on challenges and never let that stop him.

“One of the primary challenges is creating awareness about the mentorship program and reaching out to potential students who could benefit from our services. Marketing and promoting the program effectively is crucial to attract a diverse group of aspiring cybersecurity professionals. Another challenge is developing a curriculum that stays up-to-date with the rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape. This requires continuous research and collaboration to ensure the content we provide is relevant and valuable,” Louissaint explained. “Additionally, managing the logistics and resources necessary for providing a personalized and hands-on learning experience for each student can be challenging. We have to ensure that every individual receives the attention and guidance they need to succeed in their cybersecurity career. Regarding the current macroeconomic climate, the increasing number of cyber threats and data breaches has led to a heightened demand for cybersecurity professionals, which creates more opportunities for SUSOS to help fill the talent gap. On the other hand, economic uncertainties can make individuals and organizations more cautious about investing in new training programs, which could affect enrollment numbers.”

But as the need for skilled cybersecurity professionals continues to grow, Louissaint believes that the value and importance of programs like Show Up Show Out Security will only become more apparent, helping to overcome any potential barriers created by the macroeconomic climate.

Differentiation From The Competition

What differentiates Show Up Show Out Security from the competition? There are several ways that Show Up Show Out Security differentiates itself:

– Personalized approach: Show Up Show Out Security focuses on providing tailored mentorship and training to each individual student based on their goals, background, and learning style. And Show Up Show Out Security believes that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work in the cybersecurity field, so they take the time to understand the unique needs and aspirations of every student and adapt our program accordingly.

– Hands-on training: Show Up Show Out Security emphasizes practical and hands-on training that helps students gain real-world experience and build the skills necessary for a successful career in cybersecurity. Show Up Show Out Security’s curriculum includes lab exercises, simulations, and real-life case studies that enable students to apply what they’ve learned in a controlled environment, preparing them for the challenges they’ll face in the field.

– Comprehensive mentorship: Show Up Show Out Security understands the value of having a mentor who can provide guidance, support, and insights based on their own experiences in the industry. And Show Up Show Out Security, mentors are dedicated to helping students navigate the complexities of the cybersecurity field, offering advice on everything from technical skills to job search strategies and career planning.

– Soft skills development: Show Up Show Out Security recognizes that technical expertise alone isn’t enough to succeed in the cybersecurity field. And the program also focuses on developing students’ soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking, which are crucial for working effectively in any professional environment.

– Commitment to filling the talent gap: Show Up Show Out Security is driven by the mission to address the growing talent shortage in the cybersecurity industry. And Show Up Show Out Security’s program aims to not only prepare students for a successful career in the field but also to help diversify the talent pipeline and contribute to building a more secure digital landscape.

By combining these differentiating factors, Show Up Show Out Security offers a comprehensive, personalized, and practical learning experience that sets them apart from other cybersecurity training programs in the market.

Future Goals

What are some of Show Up Show Out Security’s future goals? Louissaint informed me that there are several future goals:

1.) Expanding reach – Show Up Show Out Security is aiming to increase the awareness of the mentorship program and attract a wider range of students from diverse backgrounds. And this includes those who are looking to start a career in cybersecurity and professionals in other fields who want to transition into the industry.

2.) Enhancing the curriculum – As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve rapidly, Show Up Show Out Security plans to constantly update and improve our curriculum to keep pace with the latest trends, technologies, and threats. This will ensure that the students always receive relevant, cutting-edge training, and knowledge.

3.) Developing strategic partnerships – Show Up Show Out Security plans to continue to develop and establish partnerships with educational institutions, industry organizations, and technology companies to provide additional resources and opportunities for the students. And these collaborations will help enhance the learning experience, offer internships and job placement support, and provide access to a broader network of professionals in the cybersecurity field.

4.) Scaling the mentorship program – As Show Up Show Out Security grows, it will expand the mentorship program by recruiting more experienced professionals from the industry to join the team. And this will allow enable Show Up Show Out Security to support a larger number of students and maintain its commitment to personalized guidance and support.

5.) Fostering a strong alumni network – Show Up Show Out Security aims to build a robust alumni network that fosters ongoing engagement, support, and collaboration among the graduates. And by connecting our alumni, Show Up Show Out Security can create a community that shares knowledge, experiences, and job opportunities, furthering the success of our students even after they complete the program.

6.) Contributing to cybersecurity research and development – As Show Up Show Out Security establishes itself as a leader in cybersecurity training, Show Up Show Out Security aspires to contribute to the research and development of innovative cybersecurity solutions, helping to shape the future of the industry and promote a more secure digital environment.

By focusing on these goals, Show Up Show Out Security aims to solidify their position as a leading provider of cybersecurity mentorship and training, ultimately helping to bridge the talent gap and create a more secure digital world.

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