Soaak Technologies: Optimizing Health And Wellness In A $500+ Billion Market

By Amit Chowdhry • May 13, 2024

Soaak Technologies provides transformational health solutions that use a whole-person approach to optimize health and wellness. The company believes that everyone should have 24/7 access to the help and support they need. Pulse 2.0 interviewed Soaak Technologies executive chairman and co-founder Henry Penix to learn more about the company.

Henry Penix’s Background

What is Penix’s background? Penix said:

“I am deeply rooted in entrepreneurship, having embarked on my journey from a very young age. My work ethic began with mowing yards at the tender age of 10, marking the beginning of my entrepreneurial spirit. My dedication to hard work and innovation eventually led me to achieve ranking in the top 2% among sales executives at a Fortune 150 Corporation.”

“As a global entrepreneur, I’ve become a two-time author, speaker, investor, and adviser, earning accolades like the National Blue Chip Enterprise Initiative Award, recognition for being among the top 50 fastest-growing companies in the state, commendations from both the Senate and House of Representatives, and the prestigious SBA Entrepreneur of the Year Award. I’ve also had the privilege of holding memberships in the U.S. and European United Nations, a testament to my commitment to global business endeavors.”

“I find great joy in giving back. I’ve always remembered my humble beginnings, and I seek every opportunity to speak into the lives of other entrepreneurs, sharing insights and inspiration whenever possible.”

“Currently, as the Executive Chairman and Co-Founder of Soaak Technologies, I lead a company that goes beyond business success. Soaak Technologies is dedicated to providing mindfulness, mental health, and wellness solutions to both the business and government sectors. Notable partnerships include collaborations with Amazon Alexa in 2021 and as of most recently, the U.S. Air Force.”

“This journey, marked by resilience and a commitment to making a positive impact, fuels my passion for leading Soaak Technologies in its pursuit of transforming lives globally.”

Formation Of Soaak

How did the idea for the company come together? Penix shared:

“The origin of our company stemmed from the success we witnessed in our clinic using sound frequency compositions. As we observed the positive impact it had on individuals, we recognized the potential to extend our reach on a global scale through a digital platform. This transition allowed us to bring our therapeutic offerings to a broader audience. Currently, our digital therapies have resonated with people in 133 counties, with over 20 million minutes logged. The decision to leverage technology has not only expanded our reach but has also made our sound frequency therapy accessible worldwide.”

Favorite Memory

What has been your favorite memory working for the company so far? Penix reflected:

“My favorite memory at Soaak Technologies is the moment we learned about securing a Phase 1 SBIR contract with the U.S. Air Force. The excitement in the office was palpable, and when the official confirmation came, we celebrated for days.”

“This collaboration involves leveraging our proven sound frequency therapies to enhance the performance and well-being of Air Force personnel. AFWERX and AFVentures, key collaborators in this venture, aim to optimize the human-machine interface by integrating our cutting-edge digital sound therapies. This contract validates the effectiveness of our therapies and presents a chance to tailor our sound frequency compositions to address specific needs within the Air Force, including stress reduction, improved concentration, and enhanced mental acuity.”

“In essence, this contract signifies Soaak Technologies’ commitment to innovation and making a meaningful impact on the well-being and performance of those serving in the U.S. Air Force. We are excited about the opportunities this collaboration brings and look forward to contributing to advancements in health and wellness practices, both in the military and beyond.”

Core Products


What are the company’s core products and features? Penix explained:

“At the core of Soaak Technologies is our innovative digital app, the Soaak Mobile App, offering 30 meticulously crafted sound frequency compositions to alleviate anxiety, depression, low libido, insomnia, and stress. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies, including AI, Machine Learning, and Biometrics, our app adapts and personalizes therapy sessions for individual needs. This whole-person approach, developed over eight years, involves the synergistic forces of sound frequencies, mindful intentions, and immersive 21-day programs. Accessible on various platforms, including Soaak Technologies and Soaak Technologies, Soaak has made its mark globally, providing over 20 million minutes of therapeutic support across 133 countries.”

Challenges Faced

What challenges has Penix faced in building the company? Penix acknowledged:

“One of the recent challenges we encountered was the need for scaling to accommodate a growing user base. Recognizing the importance of this issue, we took strategic measures to overcome it. Firstly, we hired top-notch technicians and coders, ensuring that our team was equipped to handle the increased demands and deliver optimal results.”

“Additionally, we extended our initiatives beyond technical aspects to encompass PR and PPC advertising. We understand that wellness is a concept that gains momentum as more people become aware of effective methods. Scaling is a critical aspect of any business, but for us, it’s exceptionally crucial.”

“Also, to make wellness more accessible and engaging, we implemented several features in the latest Soaak mobile app update. Notably, we introduced intelligent tracking of sleep, heart and respiratory rates, providing personalized frequency recommendations directly to users’ app (not wrist) through Apple Watch and FitBit integration. We also incorporated a gamification element, including a points system and leaderboards within the app. This encourages users to share their wellness journey with friends, turning it into a shared, positive experience.”

Evolution Of Soaak’s Technology

How has the company’s technology evolved since launching? Penix noted:

“Soaak Technologies has experienced significant growth since launching the Soaak Mobile App in 2021, offering personalized sound therapy to users globally. A pivotal moment in our trajectory was the acquisition of RenuYou Clinic in July 2023, expanding our offerings to include personalized therapies and wellness detection services.”

“Securing a U.S. Air Force contract in July 2023 further strengthened our influence in enhancing well-being. The reopening of the RenuYou Clinic in Tulsa and the acquisition of Thermography Tulsa in November 2023 diversified our services, incorporating advanced technologies for holistic health insights.”

“The release of the new version of the Soaak Mobile App in December 2023 marked a significant technological leap. This update includes AI, machine learning, and biometric data reading from devices like Apple Watch and Fitbit, providing a gamified approach to wellness and enhancing user experience.”

“Our trajectory signifies a transformative shift, evolving from a mobile app provider to a comprehensive healthtech company, making transformative health solutions accessible on a global scale.”

Significant Milestones

What have been some of the Penix’s most significant milestones? Penix cited:

“Soaak Technologies has achieved significant milestones in our journey of innovation and impact. A standout achievement is securing a Phase 1 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract from the U.S. Air Force, acknowledging our digital sound therapies’ potential to enhance Air Force personnel’s performance. This recognition in a competitive application cycle highlights our contribution to technological innovation in support of national defense.”

“Additionally, our new Soaak clinic, offering evidence-based therapies like qEEG Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback, signifies our commitment to comprehensive wellness solutions. The rollout of Soaak Mobile App 2.0, featuring AI, machine learning, and a Digital AI Health Concierge, enhances user experience with personalized sound frequency therapy guidance and interactive learning.”

“These milestones collectively emphasize Soaak Technologies’ continuous growth, technological advancements, and dedication to transforming personal health and wellness.”

Customer Success Stories

After asking Penix about customer success stories, he highlighted:

“One remarkable success story involves a wonderful woman who had struggled with sleep for over 9 years, rarely sleeping more than 3 hours in a night. After experiencing our Sleep Well sound frequency composition just once, she achieved an unprecedented milestone, sleeping over 9 hours straight in one night. This narrative is not an isolated case; in fact, it aligns with our broader statistic that 97% of people who use Soaak’s sound frequency therapies witness a significant improvement within one area of use within 30 days. Such transformative stories are not only heartening but also reinforce the positive impact our therapies can have on individuals’ lives.”


After asking Penix about the company’s funding information, he revealed:

“We have self-funded to the tune of over $3M. Now we are at a size with the new product and momentum to look for additional capital for further expansion.”

Total Addressable Market

What total addressable market (TAM) size is the company pursuing? Penix assessed:

“The mental health market is over a $532 billion market.”

Differentiation From The Competition

What differentiates the company from its competition? Penix affirmed:

“The key factor that sets us apart is our revolutionary sound frequency compositions. This is different than listening to a single frequency Hz. Crafted by doctors, through a meticulous process over five years, our library of 30 unique frequency compositions addresses a wide spectrum of wellness needs, including Anti-Anxiety, Sleep Well, Stress Relief, Focus, Mental Clarity, Headache & Migraine Support, and more.”

“Each composition utilizes a layered frequency approach, tested and proven effective during our eight years of in-clinic usage with medical professionals and therapists. Our commitment to offering a diverse range of evidence-based sound therapies, backed by clinical success and user testimonials, positions us as a leader in providing transformative and personalized wellness solutions.”

Future Company Goals

What are some of the company’s future company goals? Penix concluded:

“Our company’s future goals are to grow by B2B, B2C, and B2G, as well as acquisition. We have our sights set on breaking a $1 billion valuation in three years.”