USC’s Marshall School Of Business Is Launching A Venture Fund

By Amit Chowdhry • Nov 21, 2018

The University of Southern California’s business school — which is known as the USC Marshall School of Business — is launching a venture capital fund. This fund will focus on investing in early-stage startups that were founded by USC students, alumni, faculty, and staff.

The mission of this venture fund is to bridge the gap for early-stage USC-related companies and train students to evaluate and manage venture investments. Plus it will involve and leverage enthusiastic alumni, advisors, and donors to support and accelerate ventures revolving around the USC community and return capital to the venture fund.

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“Learning to strike a balance between high risk and dramatic reward remains an essential business skill, one often best taught through practical involvement,” said USC Marshall Dean James G. Ellis in a statement. “This newest fund puts our students at the forefront of the California venture capital marketplace, adding another valuable dimension to their Marshall experience.”

The USC Marshall School of Business venture fund is being supported by donations from alumni, patrons, organizations that collaboration with the university. The proceeds from a liquidity event will be reinvested into the fund to ensure it remains an “ever-growing fixture” of USC Marshall’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The members of the fund’s investment committee includes Anna Barber (Techstars LA), Damir Becirovic (Index Ventures), Dino Becirovic (Index Ventures), Michael Carney (Upfront Ventures), Austin Clements (TenOneTen Ventures), Nic Dardenne (Y Combinator Continuity Fund), Gabe Greenbaum (Pritzker), Laurent Grill (LUMA Launch), Ryan Morris (Plus Capital), Marlon Nichols (Cross Culture Ventures), Dustin Rosen (Wonder Ventures), Elaine Russell (PLG Ventures), Erin Shipley (The Helm), Luke Sikora (Vulcan Capital), Ryan Smith (Magic Johnson Enterprises), Michael Tam (Craft Ventures), Anthony Tucker (Troy Capital).