Video Editing SaaS Company VideoVerse Buys

By Dan Anderson • Apr 17, 2023

Leading video editing SaaS company VideoVerse announced its acquisition of, a prominent Esports AI-Powered content creation, and social media distribution company. The goal of the acquisition is to enhance VideoVerse’s existing capabilities and better serve its customers in the gaming and esports sectors where the demand for AI-driven content creation and distribution continues to grow. gained recognition for its cutting-edge AI technology tailored to gamers and streamers which streamlines video content creation, automates the editing process, and aids in crafting more engaging content. And Reely’s platform can automatically identify highlights and key moments within a game, simplifying the creation of highlight videos and sharing them across various social media channels.

VideoVerse already started integrating’s technology into its existing suite of solutions to expand and improve its capabilities in the gaming market. And the company will provide advanced tools to players, streamers, and content creators looking to develop, share, and extend the reach of high-quality video content.

The terms of the deal were undisclosed.


“We are delighted to welcome to the VideoVerse family. This acquisition is a strategic step towards expanding our offerings and delivering enhanced solutions to our customers in the gaming industry. We are confident that the Reely team’s expertise and technology will be instrumental in our continued innovation within the video creation and distribution landscape. Our team is always on the lookout for innovative companies like Reely to help our customers leverage cutting-edge technologies to create engaging content and grow their audiences.”

– Vinayak Shrivastav, VideoVerse CEO and Co-Founder

“Innovation has always been the driving force at VideoVerse, and we are actively seeking out pioneering companies like to ensure we are at the forefront of AI-driven innovation in content creation. The VideoVerse team is excited about the prospect of continuing to enhance our offerings through future acquisitions.”

– Siddhant Bhandari, Strategy Lead at VideoVerse

“Joining forces with VideoVerse was an obvious choice. VideoVerse’s comprehensive expertise in short-form video creation and distribution, combined with the latest AI and ML technology, pairs perfectly with our real-time gaming solutions. This collaboration will generate immense value for teams and content creators. AI is experiencing a significant moment, and we are eager to merge our advanced video solutions to fuel innovation in the industry.”

– Daniel Evans, CEO of