Viridi: An Interview With CEO Jon M. Williams About This Fast-Growing Lithium-Ion Battery Company

By Amit Chowdhry • Jul 17, 2024

Buffalo-based Viridi Parente is a company that specializes in point-of-use lithium-ion battery technology. Pulse 2.0 interviewed Viridi CEO Jon M. Williams to learn more about the company.

Jon M. Williams’ Background

What is Williams’ background? Williams said:

“My background is deeply rooted in entrepreneurship and innovation, with a particular focus on sustainable development and environmental solutions. As the founder and CEO of Viridi, the world’s first failsafe lithium-ion battery energy storage system, I’m committed to creating safer, more resilient, and cost-effective solutions for the transition to renewable energy.”

“I also founded Ontario Specialty Contracting (OSC), a company dedicated to environmental remediation and Brownfield Redevelopment. My commitment to sustainability is based on finding productive and cost-effective ways to repurpose industrial sites for the Green Economy. OSC revitalized the Power House site from 2009 through 2020 in Buffalo, which was recognized by US EPA in 2023 as the most successful Brownfield Redevelopment project in the United States.”

Formation Of Viridi

How did the idea for Viridi come together? Williams shared:

“The idea for Viridi came together from my first venture, Green Machine, an electric-powered construction vehicle offering a sustainable alternative to traditional equipment. The business premise was to power compact construction equipment with a battery-based drive system.  This system would significantly increase the safety and useability, and decrease the hourly operating cost, for construction firms. It also removed all carbon emissions, noise, and diesel fuel from the equation.”

“As the concept evolved, it became clear that safety was going to be and should be the first consideration in these battery systems and the various use cases. By having equipment and pack systems working in the construction environments, it allowed Viridi to field test and harden the physical design of the battery pack system. Once we solved for and engineered solutions for any potential exterior impact to the pack system, we were left with chemical failure of the cell – thermal Runaway.  This is where the fun started!”

“The challenges we encountered, especially with the inherent risks of thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries, prompted a strategic shift in our focus. Recognizing the limitations of existing battery technologies, we redirected our efforts towards engineering a solution that could prevent thermal propagation between cells, creating a fail-safety standard for our energy storage systems. Instead of attempting to alter the battery chemistry, we focused on preventing the propagation of energy from one cell to another – this approach led to the current RPS50 pack architecture and design. The only large scale pack system tested to and designed to a fail-safe standard.  Meaning if every electrical, fire, mechanical and chemical system fails, there is no smoke, gasses or heat released from the pack.”

Favorite Memory

What has been Williams’ favorite memory working for the company so far? Williams reflected:

“I think my favorite memory is yet to come. We are on the cusp of demonstrating to the world the true potential of renewable energy – its safety, resilience, and cost-effectiveness compared to fossil fuels. This vision and the journey towards achieving it excites me every day. The moment we achieve this milestone, it will not only mark a significant achievement for our company, but also a pivotal shift towards a more sustainable future for our planet. That will be the memory I cherish the most – the realization of our collective effort to make a meaningful impact on the world.”

Core Products

What are the company’s core products and features? Williams explained:

“Our company’s flagship product, the RPS50 Energy Storage System, represents a significant innovation in how energy storage is approached. Unlike traditional energy storage solutions that are centralized, the RPS50 is designed to be installed directly at the point of energy use—be it a home, commercial building, or industrial facility. This decentralization is key to its effectiveness and versatility.”

“The core features of the RPS50 include its compact and rugged design, making it suitable for a wide range of environments and ensuring durability. Its primary function is to store energy efficiently, providing a means to balance energy demand by absorbing excess electricity during low demand periods and releasing it during peak demand times. This capability is crucial for managing the load on the electrical grid and contributes to the overall stability and reliability of energy supply.”

“The RPS50 is particularly effective when used alongside renewable energy sources like solar panels. By mitigating the intermittency of renewables, it ensures a steady and reliable power supply. This synergistic relationship between the RPS50 and renewable energy sources enhances the potential for sustainable energy solutions in various settings.”
“A key feature of our approach is that the RBS50 is designed to connect in a modular fashion so it can be sized to any customer need, up to several megawatts.  The battery storage units  are paired with a world-class IOT system with advanced AI capabilities so fleets of battery storage systems can be monitored and controlled remotely and predictively.”

“The ability for our systems to be charged during low demand

periods and discharged during high demand times plays a pivotal role in reducing the strain on the electrical grid. This not only helps in avoiding the need for additional power generation facilities, which often rely on fossil fuels, but also promotes a more efficient and resilient approach to energy management.”

Challenges Faced
What challenges has Williams and the team face in building the company? Williams noted:
“In the energy storage sector, we’ve grappled with the dual challenges of the inherent limitations of current battery technologies and the significant safety risks associated with lithium-ion battery fires.”

“These issues were compounded by the need to optimize battery storage for use directly at the point of consumption, behind the meter, to ensure that nearly all stored energy could be effectively utilized. This optimization was crucial for maximizing customer resiliency and for leveraging IoT and AI technologies to amalgamate individual storage units into massive GigaWatt-scale assets, equivalent to transforming 100,000 homes with 50kWh of storage each into a collective 5 GigaWatt hours of energy storage capacity.”

“Our sector’s leap forward came with the development of the Viridi RPS50, marking the first time storage units could be safely installed in occupied spaces. This innovation addressed the core challenge of safely deploying energy storage solutions within living areas, a concept previously unexplored and thus marking a segment of the storage industry as virtually non-existent before our intervention.”

“Addressing the challenge of shifting the established industry norms required us to undertake comprehensive educational and advocacy efforts. By showcasing the benefits and safety of our system through demonstrations, case studies, and highlighting our technology’s proven efficiency and resilience, we began to gradually change industry perceptions. This involved not just convincing consumers of our system’s benefits but also engaging with regulatory bodies to ensure our innovative solutions complied with all safety and operational standards.”

“Our focus on demonstrating the tangible benefits of increased energy resilience and the potential to create large-scale energy storage networks from individual behind-the-meter systems has been instrumental in beginning to shift acceptance towards our technology. This acceptance is vital for the widespread adoption of our technology and for advancing towards a more sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure.”

“At Viridi, we didn’t see these challenges as insurmountable barriers but as opportunities to make a significant impact on the clean energy transition. Overcoming widespread skepticism in the industry demanded unwavering dedication to innovation and a determination not to settle for the status quo. By pioneering fail-safe lithium-ion battery technology, we tackled one of the sector’s most daunting safety concerns head-on. This endeavor wasn’t just about pushing the boundaries of current technology but also about urging the industry towards adopting fail-safe standards, redefining what’s possible in energy storage and safety.”

Evolution Of Viridi’s Technology
How has Viridi’s technology evolved since launching? Williams noted:

“Since launching a decade ago, the company has undergone a significant transformation: evolving from an initial belief in the potential of renewable energy to become safer, more resilient, and economically advantageous for consumers, to witnessing this vision become a reality.”

Significant Milestones

What have been some of the company’s most significant milestones? Williams cited:

“Some of the companies most significant milestones include:

1.) The unveiling of the VCom Premium Edge Computing Platform marked a pivotal moment. This platform integrates the advanced Viridi ViSTA® Data Engine, revolutionizing asset performance optimization through IoT analytics and real-time AI. It enables proactive decision-making and significantly enhances outcomes by forecasting and adjusting operational parameters instantly, setting Viridi apart in the industry.

2.) A partnership with the DOE’s Oak Ridge National Lab through the PACE Consortium, which highlights our dedication to leading the development of next-generation grid technologies, supporting utility providers with innovative solutions.

3.) The completion of our 160,000 square foot smart manufacturing facility in Buffalo, NY. This expansion enhances our production capacity, enabling us to meet increasing demand and maintain our position at the forefront of the industry.

4.) Our expansion into Mexico and of the first international faveo unit. The system, which was tested at police headquarters, provided seamless coverage during simulated outages, offering backup so instantaneous that disruptions couldn’t be detected by the integrated camera system. With Mexico’s electrical grid, prone to power surges disrupting traffic systems and creating security gaps in camera footage—issues that have significantly hindered local police force from ensuring safe intersections and deterring crime– Viridi is helping to boost security and create a more resilient energy infrastructure.

5.) Our partnership with GreenForce, a nonprofit that helps recruit and train individuals from disadvantaged communities and formerly incarcerated. Over half of all Viridi’s employees come through GreenForce with a projected 250 more employees in the next few years.  This approach not only brings career and economic opportunities to some of New York’s poorest areas but also disrupts cycles of recidivism by employing and educating the formerly incarcerated.”

Customer Success Stories

After asking Williams about customer success stories, he highlighted:
“While we cannot disclose the names of our customers, Virdi has successfully powered remote mountain races, music festivals in the desert, the nation’s largest sporting event, and has supported critical infrastructure.  In the process we have allowed those events to rely on safe, clean, resilient and silent power. Viridi is quickly sending the diesel generator back to where its fossil fuel began…the stone age!”


After asking Williams about the company’s funding, he revealed:
“Viridi has raised $118 million to date in their Series A, B, & C rounds which was led by Tom Golisano, the founder of Paychex which is invested through Grand Oaks Capital Management, Tom’s venture arm. He, along with Jon, are the lead investors. Sunbelt Rentals, National Grid Ventures, and WNY Impact Investment Fund, are also investors. Viridi is currently raising its Series D round.”

Total Addressable Market

What total addressable market (TAM) size is the company pursuing? Williams assessed:

“That is a hard question, the market is everywhere we use and rely on energy.  So if software touches 1 out of every 5 people in the World, chip technology touches maybe 1 0ut of every 4 people in the World. Energy touches nearly 4 out of every 5 people in the World.  Everywhere we use or interact with power there will be energy storage systems – in my view the TAM is the largest unaddressed market in the history of humankind.”

Differentiation From The Competition

What differentiates the company from its competition? Williams affirmed:

“Viridi sets itself apart from its competitors through its pioneering anti-propagation technology, designed to prevent thermal runaway and avert lithium-ion battery fires. This critical safety feature offers unparalleled versatility, making Viridi’s solutions suitable for a wide range of applications, from manufacturing facilities, daycare centers, homes to medical research centers.”

“Unlike conventional approaches that attempt to modify the battery cells themselves, Viridi’s technology focuses on isolating each cell. This method ensures that even if one cell fails, the issue does not propagate to adjacent cells. Fail-safe, if all systems fail there will not be an event or secondary impact from the pack.”

“This distinctive combination of safety, versatility, and scalability differentiates Viridi in the competitive landscape, positioning the company as a leader in fail-safe and reliable energy storage solutions.”

Future Company Goals
What are some of the company’s future company goals? Williams pointed out:

“The company is focused on reconciling the perspectives of cost-conscious organizations with those aware of climate change’s severe impacts. It strives to prove that pursuing sustainability, and addressing cost and reliability concerns, can go hand in hand. This commitment highlights the company’s dedication to fostering a world where economic efficiency and environmental stewardship are not in conflict, but instead work together seamlessly.”

“Dedicated to promoting economic equality and fostering an inclusive workforce, Virdi also aims to significantly grow its team by adding an estimated 250 employees over the next few years through the Greenforce initiative.”

Additional Thoughts

Any other topics you would like to discuss? Williams concluded:

“Viridi is not just a pioneer in developing fail-safe lithium-ion battery technology; it’s also at the forefront of addressing broader societal challenges. Our commitment goes beyond providing innovative energy solutions—we are deeply invested in tackling economic inequality, environmental degradation, and climate change.”

“Our zero-emission equipment plays a vital role in the clean energy transition, aligning with our customers’ goals to reduce carbon footprints. By enabling the storage of electricity generated from renewable sources, we contribute significantly to reducing carbon emissions. Storing 50 kWh of renewable electricity, for instance, prevents approximately 76 lbs of CO2 emissions compared to fossil fuel-generated power, underlining our commitment to sustainable practices that can lead to emission reductions of up to 92%.”

“Our dedication extends to fostering inclusivity and opportunities within the green energy sector. We are actively creating pathways for individuals traditionally marginalized from the workforce, including those formerly incarcerated. Our efforts in New York’s most disadvantaged neighborhoods are testament to this, where we aim to provide stable employment opportunities, contributing to local economic revival and breaking cycles of recidivism. Through partnerships with organizations like GreenForce, we are not only offering jobs but also essential support in housing, legal matters, healthcare, and education, thereby dismantling barriers to sustained employment.”

“Our approach embodies a comprehensive strategy to corporate responsibility, emphasizing environmental sustainability, social equity, and economic opportunity. Through initiatives like our circular battery recycling program, we demonstrate a holistic commitment to sustainability, ensuring our operations contribute positively to both the planet and its people.”