Voxel51 Reveals FiftyOne Open Source 1.0 To Accelerate Visual AI Applications

By Amit Chowdhry ● Oct 8, 2024

Voxel51 – a company helping organizations make visual AI a reality—announced the milestone release of version 1.0 of open-source FiftyOne. FiftyOne Open Source offers the foundation for Voxel51’s commercial solution, FiftyOne Teams, easing and streamlining the development of robust and reliable visual AI applications.

Visual data, which makes up nearly 60% of all data traffic, is essential for building AI applications that understand and interact with the real world. But AI builders often find themselves without tools capable of handling the ever-expanding volumes and diverse modalities of visual data and using it to develop their AI models and applications. Existing fragmented and inflexible tools result in complex, unwieldy, and often manual processes that lead to delays and failures in over 80% of AI projects.

FiftyOne was created by Voxel51’s computer vision and machine learning experts to reinvent how visual data is used in developing AI models and applications. With this milestone open-source release, FiftyOne delivers on the vision of an integrated solution that can extract valuable intelligence from diverse visual data and automate the iterative processes of using that data to build robust AI models. Exhibiting exceptional ease-of-use, flexibility, and extensibility essential to fit how AI builders work, the milestone provides comprehensive capabilities to successfully develop and deliver visual AI applications.


This release includes:

— Support for additional varieties and forms of visual data – from 3D meshes and scenes to point clouds and geometries – throughout exploration, curation, and model development.

— A customizable and extensible framework that enables building interactive data applications, trigger operations, and custom dashboards using Python that aid in fine-tuning models and datasets while supporting developers in how they build their visual AI applications.

— Adding native vector search integration with Elasticsearch to expand the ecosystem of tools that can be used seamlessly with FiftyOne.

— Open sourcing of the core machine learning techniques for data and models in FiftyOne Brain that help uncover hidden structures and relationships in visual data by algorithmically assessing uniqueness, similarity, representativeness, and more.

The release of open-source machine learning algorithms in FiftyOne Brain demonstrates Voxel51’s continuing commitment to open-source AI. And the AI ecosystem is at a pivotal crossroads, marked by numerous questions and opinions about the true meaning of open-source AI — which is an uncertainty that could shape the future of this rapidly evolving field. Unlike approaches and vendors that rely on closed, black-box, or only partially open offerings, Voxel51 believes that open source and transparency are critical in all aspects of AI, from models to data to systems.

Tens of thousands of AI builders and their teams already depend on FiftyOne for various use cases to deliver more accurate and robust models, improving team productivity by up to 50% and model accuracy by up to 30%. FiftyOne Teams, Voxel51’s commercial offering based on open source FiftyOne, helps lead enterprises and organizations, including LG Electronics, Berkshire Grey, and Precision Planting, to make visual AI a reality.


“It’s impossible to develop reliable, trustworthy visual AI when you’re struggling to curate and understand millions of data samples and how to use them to build AI models that will succeed in real-world applications. This milestone release delivers the solid foundation for innovation in visual AI made possible when every AI builder has the ability to bring quality data and analysis to every step of their development process. FiftyOne’s ease of use, extensibility, and transparency are democratizing best practices for visual AI development, and we’re excited to see our thriving community continue to deliver new value that advances the ecosystem.”

-Voxel51 co-founder and CEO Brian Moore

“FiftyOne provides us with a centralized place where we can easily understand data to uncover and resolve problems with our annotations and models. It has been so easy to build with FiftyOne given the numerous integrations and flexibility to dig into the data. No wonder it is quickly becoming the standard in the computer vision community.”

-Chris Hall, Data Scientist, Vivint Smart Home

“Open source makes possible the transparency, collaboration, and rigor needed to deliver continuing innovation in AI. We are excited to continue investing in open source so that the entire AI ecosystem can collaborate to deliver better and more robust innovation that is reliable and trustworthy.”

-Voxel51 co-founder and Chief Science Officer Jason Corso

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