Wave Neuroscience: Interview With Founder & CEO Fred Walke About The Brain Health Technology Company

By Amit Chowdhry • Oct 15, 2024

Wave Neuroscience is a leading innovator in biomarker-guided brain health technologies. Pulse 2.0 interviewed Wave Neuroscience Fred Walke to learn more about the company.

Fred Walke’s Background

Could you tell me more about your background and how it led to your involvement with Wave Neuroscience? Walke said:

“My background is centered on identifying outdated or inefficient operational patterns across various industries, with a particular focus on healthcare. Early in my career, I guided companies through transformative changes by introducing innovative solutions to traditional challenges. Often, this involved  overcoming artificial constraints and applying proven strategies from industries that, at first glance, may  not seem directly related to the one at hand.”

“My journey into neurotechnology began from a very personal place—my daughter sustained a traumatic brain injury, and the traditional medical approaches left us searching for better solutions. Discovering the  technology behind Wave Neuroscience was a turning point for her recovery.”

“After witnessing its profound impact firsthand, I realized that healthcare was not leveraging technology to its full potential. This failure to innovate was a problem I had encountered before, and I felt a personal responsibility to make these advancements more accessible while driving broader improvements across the industry. It became my mission to ensure that others could benefit from the same life-changing outcomes. This passion ultimately led me to found Wave Neuroscience in 2019.”

Formation Of Wave Neuroscience

How did the idea for Wave Neuroscience and the Braincare platform come together? Walke shared:

The idea for Wave Neuroscience emerged from the realization that mental health care could be more precise, measurable, personalized, and curative. Traditional approaches, often based on subjective assessments, did not fully address the underlying neurological foundations of mental health disorders. Our vision has already reshaped the experiences of over 30,000 patients and the mental  healthcare industry as a whole.”

“This transformation is driven by the creation of a proprietary neuroimage derived from a 10-minute  recording, much like how an X-ray is used in orthopedics. This technology enables both patients and physicians to visualize and understand mental health as an objective image, allowing them to identify and address disruptions in brain function. By analyzing mental states through data transformed into  imagery, we are redefining cognitive healthcare, particularly in treating severe cases that have  historically seen limited success.”

“With that vision motivating us, we set out to create Braincare, a platform that leverages objective data through neuroimaging to assess brain function and create tailored treatment protocols. Clinicians use  the treatment approach of Braincare to administer treatments via MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance  Therapy), a method that uses electroencephalogram (EEG) data to inform neuromodulation treatments.”

“Our goal was to take a data-driven, personalized approach to mental health that addresses the root  cause of conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more.”

Favorite Memory

What has been your favorite memory working with Wave Neuroscience so far? Walke reflected:

“There are many moments that stand out, but one of my favorites was hearing about a patient who had  been struggling with severe PTSD for years.”

“After undergoing treatment through our Braincare platform, she saw dramatic improvements in her symptoms and, as a result, regained her joy and passion for life. The story resonated with me because it’s  exactly why we started Wave Neuroscience—to give people their lives back.”

“Recognizing that mental health is foundationally supported by brain performance rather than just  emotional responses to environmental stimuli, Wave Neuroscience aims to improve brain coherence,  drawing inspiration, if you will, from the incredible innovations and gains Silicon Valley’s advancements have demonstrated through more efficient computational speed.”

“Hearing from patients who felt they were running out of options but finally found the relief they were seeking through our technology is what makes this work so rewarding. Knowing that the lives of 30,000  patients—and, by extension, their families, friends, and coworkers—have been positively impacted by our efforts provides immense motivation. It’s this sense of purpose that helps us overcome the challenges of introducing new concepts into an antiquated space like mental health care.”

Evolution Of Wave Neuroscience’s Technology

What are the core technologies and treatment methods used by Wave Neuroscience, like Braincare and MeRT? Walke noted:

“At the core of Wave Neuroscience is Braincare, our SaaS platform designed to make it possible for any  healthcare provider to assess brain function using objective data, like EEG recordings, to understand  individual Neurodynamics™ (we use this term to describe the category, and it is the understanding of  how brain function shapes your mental health and how you experience life.) From there, we create  personalized treatment protocols through MeRT.”

“When you think about the brain, the way cardiologists have approached the heart for decades, it becomes clear that the organ’s electrical signals are just as important as its mass and structure. For years, we have used EKGs as a primary diagnostic tool to assess heart function. Similarly, EEGs allow us  to evaluate the brain’s electrical activity, and when that activity is compromised, the brain is typically  not functioning at its optimal level, which in turn marginalizes the foundation for optimized mental health.”

“It’s a simple concept, yet it has been largely overlooked in medicine. This is partly because neurology traditionally focuses on brain function, while psychiatry addresses emotions and feelings that result in part from its performance. When you integrate the principles of both fields, the interdependence becomes undeniable, enabling us to address mental health at a foundational and transformative level.”

“Today, MeRT utilizes EEG data to personalize neuromodulation, specifically targeting dysregulated brainwave patterns to help patients with a range of mental health and cognitive conditions. This individualized approach distinguishes us from traditional treatments, offering greater precision and improved outcomes. Looking ahead, Wave will integrate multimodal therapeutics and interventions to  create the most optimized and sustainable pathways to mental health, both on an individual level and at  scale.”

Challenges Faced

Have you faced any challenges in advancing neurotechnology and mental health care? Walke acknowledged:

“One of the biggest challenges has been navigating the traditional medical paradigm, where mental health care has relied heavily on the presence of illness before intervention followed by subjective assessments. Convincing both patients and clinicians that there’s a better way—one rooted in objective  data—takes time.”

“Our Braincare platform leverages advanced, non-invasive methods, utilizing FDA-approved tools to treat conditions like PTSD, depression, and substance use disorders. This precision-based approach, rooted in objective and personalized treatments, aims to solve complex and long-standing problems in mental healthcare and shift the focus from symptomatic treatment to addressing the underlying brain performance. We’re focused on decoupling mental illness from personal identity and enabling individuals to heal their brains rather than battle harmful stigmas. This paradigm shift helps restore a  sense of self and offers a path to true recovery and renewed well-being.”

“In addition to improving individual outcomes, Wave Neuroscience’s approach also targets systemic issues in healthcare by reducing costs and resource strain on employers and government entities. Through our  non-invasive, biomarker-driven Braincare platform, we are actively working to make brain health monitoring as common and accessible as cardiovascular health monitoring to prevent mental illness and  promote neurological wellness.”

“We’ve overcome these challenges by staying committed to rigorous scientific validation and working closely with the FDA to ensure that our technology meets the highest standards of safety and efficacy.  Our ongoing clinical trials for PTSD are a testament to that.”

Evolution Of Wave Neuroscience’s Technology

How has Wave Neuroscience’s technology, like Braincare and MeRT, evolved since launching? Walke emphasized:

“Since our launch, we’ve made tremendous progress in expanding the capabilities of Braincare and MeRT.  Initially, we focused on conditions like depression and PTSD, but as we’ve continued our research, we’ve  seen the potential to help with a wide range of brain-based conditions.”

“We’ve also scaled rapidly, now with over 200 licensed clinicians using our technology across 15  countries. We’re constantly iterating based on patient outcomes, so the platform continues to evolve as we learn more about how brain function correlates with how people experience life or as we like to say, ‘Neurodynamics.’”

Significant Milestones

What have been some of the company’s most significant milestones, particularly in terms of patient outcomes or regulatory achievements? Walke cited:

“The Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) enlisted Wave Neuroscience to enhance the mental performance of actively serving members. This groundbreaking program focused on active-duty personnel to treat symptoms of PTSD and depression with significant success, moving many participants into full remission based on standard medical criteria. These results can be found in a peer-reviewed paper published in Frontiers in Psychiatry.”

“Wave Neuroscience also recently partnered with the state of Ohio, whose lawmakers initiated a multi-site project that brought our advanced technology to underserved populations, specifically targeting military personnel and first responders to treat addiction, substance use disorders, and PTSD. This initiative, successful and expanding annually, has been adopted and funded by additional states, including Missouri, Florida, and Virginia, marking a notable scaling of their operations.”

“Another significant milestone has been the launch of our pivotal FDA trial for PTSD, which we believe will further validate the effectiveness of MeRT for treating complex conditions.”

“Clinicians using our technology report that patients who previously had minimal success with traditional treatments are now experiencing 3x the improvement with our personalized approach. Hearing those success stories underscores the impact we’re making in mental health care.”

Customer Success Stories

Can you share any specific success stories of patients who have benefited from the Braincare platform or MeRT treatments? Walke highlighted:

“One of the most powerful success stories involved a veteran who had been battling PTSD for over a  decade. After just a few weeks of MeRT treatment, he experienced a remarkable reduction in symptoms.  For the first time in years, he was able to sleep through the night and felt a renewed sense of control over his life. While that may not seem extraordinary to some, the shift from merely surviving to actively pursuing dreams is transformative. It restores a sense of self-worth and validation, both from loved ones  and within oneself, that is truly priceless.”

“This kind of transformation is exactly what drives us—we’re giving people their lives back, one patient at a time.”


Are you able to discuss any updates on funding or revenue metrics for Wave Neuroscience? Walke revealed:

“We’ve made significant strides in both funding and revenue. We recently closed a Series B round, which has been pivotal in accelerating our clinical trials and expanding the commercial reach of our Braincare  platform.”

“Wave is in the process of filling out a SAFE offering in advance of our Series C set to commence in Q2 2025. With the completion of this offering, Wave will have the resources to reach the inflection of  cashflow neutrality.”

“With revenue growth exceeding 50% in the past year, + 53% in medical provider partnerships, and +40%  in patient visits to associated offices, Wave Neuroscience continues to drive the discussion on how to transform mental and cognitive health in both scale and outcomes. Our approach, rooted in precise,  biomarker-based evaluations, not only stimulates demand but also fosters new collaborations, further  cementing our pioneering thought leadership in the field.”

“By the end of 2024, we expect to surpass 200 licenses globally. This expansion highlights both the demand for personalized neurotechnology and the success of our commercial strategy so far.”

Total Addressable Market

What total addressable market (TAM) size is Wave Neuroscience pursuing, particularly with its focus on mental health? Walke assessed:

“The mental health space is vast, and we’re targeting a large portion of it with our focus on conditions like  depression, anxiety, PTSD, and traumatic brain injuries.”

“The total addressable market for these conditions is enormous, and we believe that personalized neurotechnology has the potential to transform the way these disorders are treated globally. It is safe to  say that the problem is bigger than the current healthcare system can handle, further emphasizing the  need for technologies to provide scale and improved outcomes.”

Differentiation From Traditional Neuromodulation Or Mental Health Treatments

What differentiates Wave Neuroscience’s approach from traditional neuromodulation or mental health treatments? Walke affirmed:

“What sets us apart is our emphasis on personalization and precision. Traditional neuromodulation often uses a one-size-fits-all approach to deliver the same level of electromagnetic stimulation to every patient. For patients, we liken this to going into a shoe store that only makes one size shoe, expecting it to fit many different-sized feet. Everyone is unique and this is particularly important when treating arguably  one of the most complex organs in the body – your brain.”

“Our Braincare platform and MeRT treatments are different because they’re tailored to the individual’s unique brain activity. We believe that by addressing each patient’s specific neural patterns, clinicians can  achieve far better outcomes than traditional methods.”

“It’s about treating the underlying neurological condition, not just the symptoms.”

Future Goals

What are some of Wave Neuroscience’s future goals, especially regarding technology advancements or clinical applications? Walke pointed out:

“One of our main goals is to expand the clinical indications for MeRT. We’re currently conducting trials for  PTSD, and we’re looking to expand into other areas like anxiety and autism.”

“We also see great potential in using our technology to guide pharmaceutical and nutraceutical interventions, such as monitoring brain activity during the use of psychedelics to ensure optimal outcomes.”

“Long-term, we want to shift from treating mental illness to preventing it, using wearable devices that can monitor brain function and predict issues before symptoms arise.”

Additional Thoughts

Any other topics you’d like to discuss about the impact of Wave Neuroscience on mental healthcare? Walke concluded:

“One area I’m particularly passionate about is shifting the conversation around mental health from treatment to prevention. Traditionally, mental health care has been reactive—we wait for symptoms to emerge before we act. At Wave Neuroscience, we believe the future of mental health lies in proactive care.”

“We envision a future where non-invasive brain monitoring maintains optimal mental health, preventing illness and promoting neurological wellness. This systematic and logical approach targets a sector that has been historically misunderstood and underfunded. Without software solutions like our Braincare platform (our overarching approach that evaluates each person’s unique brain activity and helps quantify, visualize, understand, and optimize brain health), employers and government entities serving these populations may face escalating costs and inadequate provider resources. This innovation meets growing demand, enhances career longevity, and significantly reduces the societal costs associated with maintaining the health of affected individuals and the undeniable burden on their families.”

“We’re working toward making that future a reality.”