Steve Ballmer: iPhone Overpriced

By Amit Chowdhry ● Jan 18, 2007

“Hahaha $500 fully subsidized with a plan, I said that is the most expensive phone in the world!” stated CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer in an interview. Engadget mentioned that Ballmer couldn’t be further from the truth, but also points out that “Apple is looking to take advantage of those willing to shell out half a grand to have the hottest gizmo out.’

Ballmer also mentioned that the iPhone is not suitable for business purposes because of its lack of a keyboard and that the Motorola Q is available for $99. Steve Jobs, undoubtedly captured a lot of attention with the new products coming out at MacWorld, but it seems that Microsoft is not quite yet intimidated.

The much awaited Windows Vista is on its way and will be available in 12 days. People would be able to purchase and download Vista directly from the Windows Marketplace website if they’re not interested in going to Best Buy or Circuit City to buy the software. And since Vista specs requirements have increased quite a bit since Microsoft XP Service Pack 2, we may see a ramp in computer demand from HP, Dell, etc.

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